Use new ESG regulations as an opportunity

Farner Blogbeitrag_ESGRegulierungen

Companies that make good communicative use of sustainability reporting in dialogue with their stakeholders achieve corporate added value.

According to a recently published decision of the Federal Council, companies with 250 or more employees in Switzerland will have to report publicly on their sustainability activities. The national government is expected to send a concrete proposal for consultation in mid-2024. Implementation will then take place after parliamentary consultation, probably from 2026 onwards.

Already today, companies with 500 or more employees are subject to a transparency obligation in terms of sustainability if they exceed the defined thresholds two years in a row. These companies must report on environmental risks, social issues, employee concerns, human rights, and anti-corruption measures, as well as display what measures they are taking and will take in the future.

Increasing pressure from business, politics, and society

Beyond the legally mandated transparency, it is becoming increasingly important for most companies to document their own sustainability efforts in their day-to-day business. Accordingly, Farner’s sustainability team observes that more and more organisations want to produce a sustainability report for reputational reasons and to maintain their full “licence to operate”.

From duty to excellence

At Farner, we are firmly convinced that companies that recognise the obligation to report on sustainability as an opportunity to communicate with all their stakeholders achieve added value for their business. Companies that communicate their own actions in a credible, catchy, and creative way stand out positively from their competitors in the competition – for orders, products, skilled workers, etc.

We at Farner have proven our expertise for many years to effectively support executives and organisations in all areas of sustainability and ESG communication. We are happy to provide you with advice and support.